~~MISC Pages~~

A collection of the weird, interesting or funny sites I've come across while conducting internet archeology

Random Other Sites

The more material I tried to put together for this section, the more material I would find. Seriously, I had to cut myself off at a certain point because it was all so facinating...

This is the dedicated Persona 2 fanbase of geocities

I first got into the SMT series around 2010 with P3FES, unfortunately, I just barely missed the Geocities era...

The first link (flower_s_angel) was written by a high schooler (at the time) who goes by "Janus" and LOOOOOOOVES Kazuma Kaneko. Honestly, understandable.


Janus is supposedly making a Persona 2 fangame due out on July 7th. We shall see how many more July 7ths we'll have to wait.

Janus is also spearheading a campaign to get P2:IS localized by Working Designs. Could you imagine that timeline? I hope Janus enjoyed the localized PSP port.

My favorite bit about Janus's page has to be the fanart, which I will not post here due to... threats...

Okay, I'll take a small risk and post this guy: I promise it's not stealing, I'm just too scared to ask

This is a legitmately good profile picture, I'm almost tempted to set one of my online accounts to it and see if one day I get a message from some now-adult out there who experienced high school flashbacks as a consequence (if you're out there in the world Janus, hope things are going well).

The second link appears to be a group larping as the Kuzunoha Detective Agency, unfortunately I can't say more than that because all the image links are dead and the staff page is completely unarchived... Man...

The insider tab is pretty interesting though, it contains a screenshot of what appears to be an in-progress translation of Soul Hackers by Aeon Genesis. Which was canceled when the 3DS version was posted. Considering the post was made in 2002, and the 3DS port came out in 2013.... Yeah... Classic.

The insider page then leads to a site called: "MegaTenist Haven", which appears to be a forum. I haven't investigated it much yet, but if it's well archived I'm sure it'll be another gold mine.

The third link is another P2 dedicated site with lots of tags for TsumixBatsu, the book? That's one I completely forgot existed.

There's a page dedicated to both games in the P2 duology. With a good amount of trivia and secrets for each.

Best part for me, of course, are the "my favorite" sections. In these sections the author mentions their favorite aspects of each game.

No Knights of the Holy Spear? For shame...

Dolis also draws some good profile pic material.

It might sound strange of me to say, because to the creators of these websites I'm a youngling who came in during the "First Great Awakening" of the franchise when a bunch of people were brought in by Persona 3; however, I do ocassionally miss when SMT was more underground (and when it was possible to get the PS2 games for less than triple digits).

One last note, this page also has an SMT webring linked at the bottom!

It doesn't work (of course, I've never run into a single webring that's been archived in a functional state), but it's very neat to learn that existed, one day I'll find a way to find a list of the sites that were part of it. Kuzunoha.net also has a really rich "links" page with other SMT related sources from the era, but again, I really need to stop myself or I'll forever fall down the rabbit hole of broken links.

I'll need some time to comprehend this one... TiffMacintosh

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